Saturday, August 18, 2012

Awesome Batch of Used Vinyl

We recently acquired a simply phenomenal batch of used vinyl that's worth perusing. In fact, we've been meaning to blog about it for a while, and it wasn't until a good customer recently hollered at us for not alerting him to it that we realized that this post was necessary (not to mention tardy). Anyway, enough throat clearing, right? There's all kinds of great, rare stuff in this batch, a lot of it of the old timey/folk variety, mostly Smithsonian and Vanguard selections. Stuff like John Hartford's Aereo Plain, Hedy West's Volume Two, and a stunning, sealed copy of Ethnic Folkways' Music of the American Indians of the Southwest. There are maybe 40 records total, ranging in price from $5-$70, depending on all the things that pricing depends on. Needless to say, if you're a fan of that kind of stuff, you should pay us a visit soon before they're gobbled up.


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